Michael McBroom (Houston, TX, USA)
2005 Spruce / Bolivian Rosewood 10-String Guitar

Updated:9/28/2005 -- Please email Michael for pricing and other information.























































This guitar was made for the 2005 10-String Guitar Festival. It compared favorably with guitars costing twice as much, and represents one of the best values available at the momernt for a new multi-string instrument. For more info on this guitar or on one built to your specifications, please contact the luthier.

The construction of this guitar is documented in Michael's 7-page journal detailing the process: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 -- Also, you can view several videos of this guitar being played:

Stephen Bright
"Brian Boru's March" (Irish Traditional)

Windows Media / Quicktime

Michael McBroom
"Mazurka-Choro" excerpt from Suite Populaire Bresilienne
by Hietor Villa-Lobos (1955)
2005 McBroom 10-String

Stephen Bright
"Joy to the Person of My Love"
Scottish Anon., Stirling MS (1639)
2005 McBroom 10-String

Click HERE to see how this guitar compares to a 1973 Ramirez 1a 10-string (Cedar / Brazilian).

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