3. Strings
Strings for ten-string tenor, terz, alt and arch guitars are
readily obtainable. The catalogues of Aranjuez, La Bella, D'Addario,
Hannabach and Pyramid contain the lists of relevant types, and
the latter two offer customising services in addition to standard
items. Some particular pieces of information will assist practical
aspects. While the treble strings of any make for a six-string
guitar will fit a 65cm scale ten-string, because of the length
of the head, a number of makes do not have the necessary length
to enable use to be made of the three bass for this length of
scale. Aranjuez offer a ten string Yepes set with copper-coloured
seventh string. This 7th-C is an especially valuable string,
readily tuning to D, and still producing a good sound when down-tuned
to A. Thus, it is possible (from four packets, or by special
order) to have an all copper set of basses for baroque tuning,
a point to be elaborated in the next section. For tenor ten-string
guitars, I have found that instrument response is better with
higher tension strings. It is possible to tune even a 65cm scale
in G, and while low-tension strings can achieve this, it is better
practice to use, for example, the lighter rectified nylon types.
This will mean making up sets individually using supplier tension
information to obtain a reasonably uniform tension across the
strings corresponding approximately to high tension strings in
E-tuning. However, it is most important to realise that high-tension
or even medium tension sets for E-tuning of a 65cm scale guitar
should NEVER be used for tuning in G a guitar of this scale length,
or even only a couple of centimetres less. Any attempt to do
this will result not only in string breakage, but place unacceptably
high loads on the bridge, sound-board and strutting, with the
likelihood of severe damage, if not immediately, then with the
passage of time. It is always worth seeking the instrument maker's
advice in this regard.
Tuning a standard tenor guitar in G, while producing a bright
sound with for a ten-string a good bass, does not
produce a typical terz sound, the sound board is too big. I am
indebted to Peter Rueffer for the observation that a tenor can
be significantly brightened without becoming brittle or unbalanced
by tuning in F#, i.e., at the second fret of an E-tuned instrument.
This works well with both six and multi-string guitars. Interestingly,
this tuning is probably close to G-tuning in the renaissance.
Again, it is recommended that string sets are obtained from a
specialist supplier. The equivalent of baroque tuning for a ten-string
in F# is
7th E, 8th D or D#, 9th C#, 10th B1.
NEXT | 1. Intro | 2. Guitar
Types | 3. Strings | 4. Learning | 5. Repertoire
| 6. Conclusion